Sunday, January 31, 2010

the fish tank

Sometimes my feelings are so mercurial. I go from wanting to make this 10 ft sailfish trophy (more about this later) to wanting to build an aquarium. ADD makes all of this possible. I had a thought that the world will shift to take advantage of the inability to stay focused for very long.
I digress, Todays post is about the fish tank currently on display at Krystal's house. Three african clawed frogs in a 2 gallon tank. One a
lbino and two original flavor. They are currently suffering the inappropriately names of: Jacob (the larger dark skinned sh
irtless frog) Edward (the pasty one) and Bella (the female) totally embarassing!
They are interesting to watch and sometimes attack food. When they were fed today Jacob bit Edward on the front paw! Hopefully when spring rolls around I will be able to get some video of the three of them tearing apart a w
orm. But any way I am attaching pics so you can experience their ferocity on the internet.
Thank you KK for having this tank it keeps me sane in the cold dark winter days.

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