Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Clam Exam

While waiting all winter for that fun spring and summer fishing, make good use of your time- go clamming and familiarize yourself with the many clams of Connecticut.
Caleb and I have created a tool known as clam exam. This exam involves holding up different clams found on the beach and testing our skills. While I may not always know a quohog from a cherrystone, Caleb is always correct.
Knowing your clams is a good step to being a knowledgeable New Englander. Lord knows you don't want to fry up some big ol' sea clams!
In the summertime, clamming is even more fun. To clam in summer, one jumps out of the boat in a safe and shallow (or not) area and feels around with ye olde toes. When you feel one, you can dig it up with your toes and then throw it in the bucket. (or at your friends)
Either way, clamming is a great way to pass time in Connecticut.

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